Sunday, July 6, 2014

WeddingVowsVibe Gift Card On Etsy By Dr. Linda

WeddingVowsVibe On Etsy: Engagement or Wedding Gift - A Gift Card from Etsy, brings a Celebrity Wedding Ceremony Writer to the newly engaged couple. Choose the part of the ceremony that you would like to gift.  "Tribute to Parents" or simply the "Wedding Vows"... The best gift to a marrying couple, giving them the most important words of their life!

 Like us on Etsy...

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Etsy: WeddingVowsVibe By Dr. Linda

WeddingVowsVibe Gift Card On Etsy: We have an "Exclusive" with Celebrity Wedding Vows Writers! They write the wedding ceremony words for Celebrities! Gift A Celebrity Wedding Vows Writer to the "Just Engaged" someone that you know! 

About WeddingVowsVibe - From "Burn Notice" to "White Collar" to "The Real Housewives of Orange County Tamara's OC Bravo T.V. Wedding".... Sports Heroes, United States Senators! Most recently UFC's International Middleweight Champion, Michael Bisping. Even better, Dr. Linda and her Celebrity Writing Team also officiate the words too! But, for over 20 years, thousands of marriage ceremonies bear the signature of the best wedding ceremony and vows writers today. All you need is an Etsy Gift Card or to hire a Celebrity Writer via Etsy... And, then we get started! Let us write for you!

Monday, April 28, 2014

Wedding Aisle Madness - The Foolishness of Getting Certain Wedding Tips From Wedding Magazines By Dr. Linda

Whats Wrong With This Picture? 
Open Letter To Wedding Magazines 

By Celebrity Wedding Officiator
Dr. Linda

Wedding Magazine editors or associated decision makers should ask, "In the Trench" professionals, to write their “Tips and Trends” articles for them! Shouldn’t the wedding professionals invent the trends based upon their practical and expert experiences? I have said that for years! Even volunteering to write about "All Things Ceremony" for groups like The Knot! In the end, when a bride attempts to utilize a “Wedding Trend Tip” from a non-expert Wedding Magazine writer, the professionals, those actually working with the couples, are inconvenienced!  See below…..? This is one of many examples as to why wedding magazine conglomerates need our help! Their writers don't appear to have officiated a wedding ceremony ever! What do they know?

Brides Read This, Then Look at The Knot Image!

Quote from Knot Website 
"Did you know that rugs made of knotted yarn (called “rya”) are an important part of a traditional Finnish wedding ceremony? The couple would say their wedding prayers while kneeling on the colorful rug and then they later display it in their home. Today, the hot trend is to take rugs from your favorite design store or flea market and turn them into your ceremony aisle (tip: check with friends and family to see if they have any that might look pretty too!). If you do end up buying them, the best part is you can totally reuse the rugs in your home later and they make for easy set-up and clean up. It’s really a win-win. See the photos of couples who used rugs as aisle runners below! Rustic Woven Rugs on the Beach"

Look at this image! My officiator team laughed out loud! So, did I....! Bridesmaids, groomsmen, bride, groom, and me standing on this, as positioned on the beach sand! Do I have to paint a picture of the safety issues alone, or my experience with such dangerously unsecured wedding ceremony decorations! Don't get me started on the importance of safety in the ceremony environment. With all due all of the Wedding Magazine conglomerates…… Please ask my officiators or  ceremony writing team to write your tips, trends and wedding story segments! They have actually presided wedding ceremonies! Dr. Linda


Dr. Linda and her wedding ceremony team write original wedding
ceremonies for couples world-wide. In America, their services include both the writing and presiding of the marriage ceremony. Also, TCN and LegallyMarried are  “Friend Officiant Trainers” for couples who have selected a friend or family member to  preside their marriage.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Wedding Ceremony Mythology: Some Things Just Need To Stay As They Are! By Celebrity Wedding Officiator Dr. Linda

At the wedding ceremony rehearsal, the maid-of-honour says, “Hey, I think that it would be really cool for the wedding officiator to stand with their back to the wedding guests! Don’t you!”  At first, this suggestion seems to defy convention, and provide an interesting option to the marrying couple.  Even gives the illusion of diminishing the perceived traditional dominance of the officiator in a standard pose and positioning. Without thinking it through, the bride and groom agree, and arrange accordingly. This is great, bride and groom will really stand out, the wedding guests will see them better……! So, what’s wrong with this?

Reason # 1 – This Wedding Officiator Says, “STOP!” – The Foreground Is Called The Foreground For A Reason!

Who is in the foreground will more naturally stand out in the pictures. This is also true for the live audience. Especially, when, the wedding officiator is on the same level as the guests. And, if there is not much difference in the elevation between the officiant’s position and the marrying couple.  See this publicly posted picture of such a configuration.

Do You Think Reason # 1 Is Valid?

Dr. Linda is a Celebrity Wedding Officiator and Writer. She is a Wedding Ceremony Trendsetter.  She and her team of Wedding Ceremony Writers & Professional Officiators write and officiate Designer Wedding Ceremonies in Southern California. Shall we help you write your marriage vows? Need a wedding officiator?  -

Monday, March 10, 2014

Say What? Who Is Listening To The Wedding Ceremony Anyway? Marriage Ceremony Levity Or Truth?

“Sorry that I missed the wedding ceremony….. I got stuck on the freeway. Wow, there was a really bad accident! But, glad to make it to the reception!” 

A cousin of mine once said, “A good speech should be like a woman's skirt: long enough to cover the subject and short enough to create interest!” Have you been to a wedding ceremony lately? I have, in fact, at them every week.  For the sake of disclosure, I am a Celebrity Wedding Ceremony Writer. Now that this is revealed here comes a polite but honest discussion about the wedding ceremony “goings on”.  Truth-be-told, wedding ceremony words are often boring, terribly written, rambling or inappropriate, and so forth. Not ours, of course, but the one that I read recently from another officiant unrelated to our Clergy & Wedding Officiants Network.

Most people do not care to speak publicly. And, when, a bride and groom, something about this fear or disinterest translates into disaster. Is there a societal expectation which assures a well presented wedding ceremony? I wish there was! And, if there were, so much of what traffics itself as a well-written marriage ceremony wording would be banned, and the seller jailed for indecent verbal exposure! Seems harsh, but really, if you were able to comment unfettered as “Anonymous” what would you really say?

Recently, a client presented me with local wedding officiator’s ceremony wording. This officiator was not with our group, as we custom write each of our ceremony events with the clients.  When reading this officiant's ceremony, there were more than a few concerns:

1.   The text was devoid of sectional “Headings”.  Important for the one reading to assist in the flow of presentation. Without “Headings” it is far too easy for the reading officiator to miss sections, or to import the wrong feeling to a section. Also, important when working toward the writing of the final ceremony draft. This, because continuity and flow for reading is easier to calibrate.

2.   The ideas presented in the text were out-of-order. Honouring the deceased groom’s mother toward the end of the ceremony. And, recognizing the couples’ children at an awkward juncture.

3.   There were no “Transitional Statements”. These are necessary, so that what was said before in an adjoining section, coalesces with the next section’s introduction. It also prepares the presenting officiator for the next segment, as to verbal cadence and feeling. Transitional Statements also have other important reasons.

4.   There was no “Sign-posting” as to who said what or whom was being addressed.

5.   It was not paginated for oral presentation in any way. Including as to the size of the print. The print should be larger in the officiator’s presentation draft.  This assists in reading without omission.   Also, the sentences were not “double-spaced” or sections spaced properly.  This also acts in prevention of missing a word or sentence or segment.

6.   The wording was redundant at best. A good ceremony takes hours to write. Remember my cousin’s quote at the start of this article.

In short, as a former Speech Professor, currently a Wedding Officiator, the received officiant’s text was a disaster waiting to happen. In fact, my client was confused.  And, this is why this couple was now my client.

Why Does This Happen? Should You Really Care?

Either people don’t know any better or don’t expect any more.  Let’s face it; the wedding ceremony has become a formality, something that people hope to get through! But, say it is not so! The words of a wedding ceremony should be at least as beautiful as the cake, the bridal gown, and anything else of beauty on the wedding day. The poor quality wedding ceremony wording and presentation does not need to be normative. But, in Southern California it is very usual occurrence.

So, I ask…. What are your suggestions on making the wedding ceremony more interesting? Should Internet Wedding Officiator Ordination groups be banned? (These groups do not require Wedding Officiants to be experts, but profit through ordaining anyone!) Should professional writers write the wedding ceremonies, and the officiants simply learn them? Should Wedding Officiants’ be certified in “Public Speech”?  

Let’s Talk About Making The Wedding Ceremony A Public Joy Again - Dr. Linda – Professional Wedding Ceremony Writer & Celebrity Wedding Officiator –

Friday, February 14, 2014

Getting Married & Wedding Ceremony Facebook - LegallyMarried Begins Largest "Destination Lovely Motto" Wall at

It Begins on Valentines Day! Leave Your Getting Married 2014 ...

"Destination Lovely Motto"   LegallyMarried's Facebook

Join in building the world's largest "Destination Lovely Motto" Wall!

What Is a "Destination Lovely Motto" Internet Shout Out? 

Back in the Day, there was the "Chain Letter". This was a letter started by one person, given to another, who gave it to another friend that passed it on to someone else and so forth. A single letter could be read by conceivable thousands. Today's version of this old tradition is an Internet "Shout Out" through a "Retweet" or "Share". And, ours is the "Getting Married" version of the same. So, we selected a bride-to-be, who started our "Share" off.  - Her name is Lisa.  Today is your opportunity to send a "Shout Out" to the Internet world about your "Getting Married Motto". It's your turn to make an impression on other aspiring marrying couples! What is your "Marriage Philosophy?"

Destination Lovely Motto Wall Link

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Hiring A Wedding Officiator is Like Trying on a Comfortable Pair of Jeans - By Celebrity California Wedding Officiator, Dr. Linda

Our LegallyMarried & The Clergy Network phone rang. On the dialing end was an officiator shopping bride. What was this bride's deal breaker? Would she know it was him or her when she met them? Perhaps, she would have a "good feeling". Definitely, not wanting a novice or someone without a background check? Right? Perhaps, it was all about price? Certainly, she wanted to hire a reliable one! Now, saying that, probably our most popular comment by a marrying couple is, "We are looking for just the right fit"! After 24 years, one could imagine how many times this was the recurring descriptive for filling the officiator position.

Now, its 2014, you are getting married. Is this your descriptive too? Then, this image, from the 1st ever Wedding Ceremony Art Gallery by a bunch of Celebrity Officiators, is my initial contribution. The Pin is at: But, there is more, if you are searching for 'Just the right fit" in a wedding officiator, let's talk. I would like to write a collaborative blog article with tons of brides about "Just the right fit". I have already written on this before, but, this is 2014! Let's start fresh. What does it mean when you say, “I am looking for just the right fit??” Regards, Dr. Linda