Thursday, February 13, 2014

Hiring A Wedding Officiator is Like Trying on a Comfortable Pair of Jeans - By Celebrity California Wedding Officiator, Dr. Linda

Our LegallyMarried & The Clergy Network phone rang. On the dialing end was an officiator shopping bride. What was this bride's deal breaker? Would she know it was him or her when she met them? Perhaps, she would have a "good feeling". Definitely, not wanting a novice or someone without a background check? Right? Perhaps, it was all about price? Certainly, she wanted to hire a reliable one! Now, saying that, probably our most popular comment by a marrying couple is, "We are looking for just the right fit"! After 24 years, one could imagine how many times this was the recurring descriptive for filling the officiator position.

Now, its 2014, you are getting married. Is this your descriptive too? Then, this image, from the 1st ever Wedding Ceremony Art Gallery by a bunch of Celebrity Officiators, is my initial contribution. The Pin is at: But, there is more, if you are searching for 'Just the right fit" in a wedding officiator, let's talk. I would like to write a collaborative blog article with tons of brides about "Just the right fit". I have already written on this before, but, this is 2014! Let's start fresh. What does it mean when you say, “I am looking for just the right fit??” Regards, Dr. Linda

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